I found this insect busily working on this coreopsis flower in our backyard. It was a great challenge to get a clear shot as he kept moving around in circles. I like the first photo for the angle and perspective and the second, more for identifying purposes.
I thought it was a mosquito, until I saw @Marc_Brawer (thanks Marc) image and am now wondering if it is the same type of insect.
Does the first photo work compositional? Does it get your grab attention. Have I cropped (cropped 10x10) too much? Any other comments or suggestions?
Other than cropping, I did no other post processing.
Nikon D7200, f/5.6, 1/500sec., iso 400 @105mm, handheld.
Hi Linda. These guys can be quite frenetic sometimes, so really good job getting clear shots!
I also like the first composition better aesthetically. I would probably crop in a little tighter on the second one and bring out some of the shadows on the fly. It’s a type of Hoverfly - I’m thinking it’s an Oblique Streaktail (Allograpta obliqua), but I’m no expert ( get most of my info from iNaturalist) .
Thanks, @Marc_Brawer. I’d not heard of the iNaturalist app, looks like a great resource. Just lightened the fly a bit and cropped down to 7x7, much better. Thanks again.
I’m sorry, Linda, I saw this when getting ready to go to bed last, night, and forgot about it this morning. You did a nice job with the Hoverfly. I think I also like the first image best, but both are good. I like @Marc_Brawer suggestions.
Thanks @Shirley_Freeman. I did make the changes @Marc_Brawer had suggested and like it much better. Always new things to lean in this community. I just love being a part of NPN.