
I found this insect busily working on this coreopsis flower in our backyard. It was a great challenge to get a clear shot as he kept moving around in circles. I like the first photo for the angle and perspective and the second, more for identifying purposes.
I thought it was a mosquito, until I saw @Marc_Brawer (thanks Marc) image and am now wondering if it is the same type of insect.

Does the first photo work compositional? Does it get your grab attention. Have I cropped (cropped 10x10) too much? Any other comments or suggestions?
Other than cropping, I did no other post processing.

Nikon D7200, f/5.6, 1/500sec., iso 400 @105mm, handheld.

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Hi Linda. These guys can be quite frenetic sometimes, so really good job getting clear shots!
I also like the first composition better aesthetically. I would probably crop in a little tighter on the second one and bring out some of the shadows on the fly. It’s a type of Hoverfly - I’m thinking it’s an Oblique Streaktail (Allograpta obliqua), but I’m no expert ( get most of my info from iNaturalist) :smiley:.

Thanks, @Marc_Brawer. I’d not heard of the iNaturalist app, looks like a great resource. Just lightened the fly a bit and cropped down to 7x7, much better. Thanks again.

Love your hover fly, Linda! They are fun insects to watch and capture!

Thanks, Vanessa. They are fun to watch, still working on capturing them.

I’m sorry, Linda, I saw this when getting ready to go to bed last, night, and forgot about it this morning. You did a nice job with the Hoverfly. I think I also like the first image best, but both are good. I like @Marc_Brawer suggestions.

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Both photo images are excellent Linda. The yellow flower added nice color with the subject.

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Thanks @Shirley_Freeman. I did make the changes @Marc_Brawer had suggested and like it much better. Always new things to lean in this community. I just love being a part of NPN.

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Thanks @Dean_Salman. Still have plenty to learn about photographing insects, well actually nature. It is very challenging but extremely rewarding.