Foggy days

Nice foggy day in DC. Managed to take some nice images. This was my favourite.

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Oh fog - it is irresistible, isn’t it?

I like this, but find it crowded. On all sides I think it could use breathing room. If you can’t do that, you could do an extreme crop of either the top or bottom and find something that is tight on purpose.

Thanks. I wonder if I should just crop the top (sky) out


Both work for me, but your cropped one has the drama. Well done.

I like the crop! The light areas on the branches (snow?) are lovely. I’d be tempted to bring up contrast on the tree, especially at the base, to tie it in to the rocks a bit more. That seems the wrong thing to do to a lovely fog scene, but somehow it feels right in this case.

I also like the crop but it does change the image quite drastically. It does, however, deal with the 50/50 light and dark phenomena. The dark rocks are pretty close to the bottom and that weighs the image down. I like the idea of contrasting their darkness with the lighter remainder but in this case it would have been better to not have the rocks at all due to their location within the frame. I don’t have any issues with the 50/50 comp

I am definitely preferring the uncropped version. I would add some canvas above with some more sky and finish the tree top below the sky, if you don’t have a version that is a bit wider. The light/dark mentioned by Igor and the tree against the sky work really well for me.

I too prefer the un-cropped version, but would also like to see either some spacing at the top (as mentioned by others).

I think your processing is well done, I especially like the steel blue tones. To me the most problematic aspect of the image is the right set rocks almost merges with the bottom frame edge, it just pulls my eye there more than Io would like. The left set of rocks is not an issue, it has enough breathing room.