Forest color

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Took a drive around Chinook, Cayuse and White passes in rain a couple weeks ago. Was very wet so could not get out into forest vary far.

Specific Feedback

Any comments.

Technical Details

5D mkIV; iso 800; 8.0; 1/100th; handheld; 24/70 @42; WB: cloudy.

1 Like

Lovely colors. The greens are nice - sometimes they look too bluish in these kinds of deep forest scenes. And I like the way the angled branch of colorful leaves mimics what looks like a deep drainage going into the scene from the LLC.

Bonnie, Thank you for commenting. Iā€™m not sure, but the rain and lack of bright sun may have resulted in the green.

This is a subtle image, but it puts me right there, Jim. I like the diagonal splash of autumn color against the green of the surrounding evergreens. No suggestions from me as this is nicely done.

Ed, Thank you.