Framing the ripple - re crop

Following the feedback of several people I cropped the picture a little a the bottom left and I agree that it does put more of the emphasis on the stream and not on the rock. The newly cropped image is at the bottom. I couldn’t figure out how to place it at the top. Thanks for suggesting that.

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is a picture from more than 3 years but I immediately thought of it when I saw this week’s challenge. It was shot in natural bridge in the Canadian rookies and I loved trying in different ways to use the wonderful shapes and lines of the rocks to frame the ripples of the amazing blue water.

Specific Feedback

I did some post processing but wasn’t sure I was in the right direction. I tried to darken a little the front middle section of the rock which was super bright, add some mid tones to the whole picture and brighten a little and add blacks to the top right which was really dark. I am not sure if it got the picture to the right place or if there are other things I should have tried.

Technical Details

Sony a6000, 10-18 lens, iso 100, f/11, 1/6 seconds

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

This is a very intersting photo! I’ve looked at it now three or four times to see what my eyes are drawn to first, and each time my eyes go immediately to the rocks in the foregound, and then to the water. I like the way the rocks lead my eyes to the water but I’m not sure if that takes away from the beauty of the image, and the water. I’m not sure if cropping it a bit at the bottom would help make the water more prominent, or perhaps brightening the water a bit? Just some suggestions to try; overall, I think it’s a wonderful photo.

Tamar, the various directions of almost parallel lines are very enjoyable and the way that they point to the moving water pulls my eyes right to the river. It’s an interesting photo because as presented, the rocks get more attention than the water, while a modest crop of the rocks (left and bottom) turns the stream into the main focus.

Tamar, to put the new image first, click on the edit pencil and place your cursor in the white space at the top, then click the upload button. If you want to add a title or description you can type that in first, then hit return and then the upload button. If you want to add info to the original, type that in after you’ve done the upload.