Going over the edge

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Water and the refection in it fascinate me, especially at a point where the ripples are happening.

Specific Feedback

any and all

Technical Details

Sony 6000, 1/200, f/13, 170mm, ISO6400 with minor adjustments to tone curves in LR

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Very cool looking John. The lines and shapes are fascinating and remind me of Robert Patrick’s T1000 terminator character when he would shape shift. Nicely done.

This may be the best critique ever! i’m honored.

John, I can see this fits in with many of the photos you have submitted. You have an eye for the details in nature that I find fascinating. This composition has many competing lines that confuse me. I like the diagonal line in about the center of the composition. It divides the picture into two sections. I would like to see it take on more importaance. A vertical crop that puts it in the center helps give the eye a place to travel and understand the competing lines on each side of the strong vertical line. Actually, there are several mini compositions in this larger frame. I took the liberty of trying a crop.

Very interesting, with lovely reflections!! I like @Barbara_Djordjevic’s crop – it makes things even more dynamic.

@Barbara_Djordjevic as you say “Actually, there are several mini compositions in this larger frame.” And I’d suggest using the words “nearly endless” instead of “several!” I love playing in that kind of arena.