This is really beautiful, Teri. The tortoise sell look created by the ripples is fascinating. I do find that my eye is pulled to the top of the frame by the two bright rocks up there. Since a lot of the rocks at the top seem to be above the surface of the water, you don’t have as many ripples up there and I could see cropping down from the top below the bright greenish rock in the upper left. You’d lose some of the neat patterns i the upper right, but sometimes you have to get a little ruthless with cropping.
Teri, another fantastic scene. Those ripples and colors steal the show.
Going off of what Dennis said, here are two proposed crops for you to consider which address the top heavy aspect of your original version. I flipped the image vertical and then cropped. If you didn’t want to flip vertically, you crop in from the top.
I was playing with my new editing app - so many things that will change, enhance and totally remake the image! This one very abstract, almost metaphysical. I’m going to have fun and try to keep my offerings at a reasonable pace.
Keep playing, say I! This symmetrical one caught my eye, as I saw a face with piercing eyes. Good abstracts can have this effect. Your new editing app will help give you more great shots - look forward to seeing them.
I love jeweled water abstracts like this and find myself seeking them out whenever I can. The ripples and resulting patters are very pleasing and I like the colors and contrast.
Personal choice of course, but I could see cropping this square concentrating around the circular patterns just right and above center. (cropping off the bottom stones maybe?)
Really like the patterns and sparkle you’ve captured.
ps. I just wanted to mention FYI, that we ask that just 1 image be posted per day. We’re pretty easy going here so don’t worry about it. A lot of new members miss that part, and that’s ok. We’re most certainly glad you’re here and participating!
Beautifull colors in the water and in the stones. I like the structure of the ripples in a diagonal line at the top right to the left around the stones with a beaufifull color blue-green. The white around the ripples gives the water depth.
I wonder if the yellowish stone at the top attract a little bit to much attention. Maybe a little crop makes it less heavy.
A very nice picture!