Nickerson Beach, NY. I was very focused on the chick when the adult wandered in behind it creating a nice juxtaposition and look into the future for this little fuzz ball.
What technical feedback would you like if any? Any
What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Canon 7D w/ Cannon 100-400.
1/3200 sec at f/7.1, 321 mm, ISO 400. Hand held
Adorable Marc. What great luck to have the older bird walk by. Having the older bird out of focus also helps to put the emphasis on the little guy. Great capture and nicely done.
Hi Marc, I love seeing these birds along the CT shoreline. I volunteer on an island refuge and a pair usually tries to nest there in the Spring but are usually scared off by the great black backed seagulls. Mostly, I like everything sharp and was a little put off by the OOF bird in the background, but it works well here to highlight the little one, and you can see just enough of the parent to judge the size difference, so I’d say it was a success for this week’s challenge. I’m especially enjoying the pensive look and posture of the adolescent, wondering when he was going to get bigger. Nicely done.
Marc, this is a fine catch. How nice to get the adult in the background, while maintaining focus on the youngster. This makes a fine story, rather than being a portrait of the youngster.
Thanks Jim. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Nickerson Beach, but it’s a great place to see and photograph nesting Common Terns, Oystercatchers and Black Skimmers with their chicks.
I really like this shot, Marc! For me, it looks like you can see the young chick’s thoughts of what it’s hoping to grow up look like The size difference works nicely for the challenge also.