I saw this while waiting for a plane in Detroit and meant to comment, but didn’t. Amazing wing position - the symmetry makes for such an alluring element, but the water drops are killer. Great focus and I love the plant it’s landed on, too. You could darken or eliminate the bright background bits between the wings if you wanted. Such great light. Wow. Bravo.
Balan, the golden color of the head is very striking. The heavy dew both on the leaves and the df along with the glowing wings adds well to an excellent view.
Balan, I am late getting in here on this wonderful image. We drove up to Maryland and Virginia for a week of visiting with family and friends. We had a wonderful time, but I had no time to check out NPN. So sorry.
Anyway, what is not to love about a face on Dragonfly covered in dew! Excellent management of the lighting too. I love the position of the wings as well. Agree with Kris about the white spot between the wing. Well done.
I know what you mean about not getting much in macro right now. Soon though, as spring is here and the little critters will become active soon. I have a few avian images maybe from our trip.