Frozen summer

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any

What artistic feedback would you like if any? composition

Any pertinent technical details:ikon D850, F8, 1/80, Iso 64, 70-200,2,6 nikon, at 122mm. Ratio 16-9

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.


I continue to enjoy the color and tonality you’re presenting with these images. Have no idea if this is a result of your processing, or something inherent with the light and the location. Not sure how to explain it, maybe something like a colorized Tintype? Not even sure if that describes it. Anyway, I like the color/tonality of your images posted so far (sorry, I’ve missed some recently)

Maybe not as strong as some of your earlier posts, but still quite enjoyable. I especially like the back/rim lighting of the pine bows. With that, you could potentially crop some off the right side to bring more emphasis to the light and open view on the left.

The only other suggestion might be to burn down the bright vegetation center/right along the bottom. It looks like either lens flare or something, but the brightness/contrast are different in that little area.

Otherwise, I like this quite a lot.


Thank you so much, Lon. Yes it had to do with the location, the light and the frosty conditions that late morning. Processed in PS with the use of TK V6 panel.And yes it was a bit of lens flare I was trying to take out. But with your suggestion I can make that better. Again many thanks, Lon.

Ben I agree with Lon, I like whatever you doing with processing here, the cooler, luminous look is very eye-catching. You have done a great job processing the backlight on the rim-lit frosty tree, it looks great.

I would consider cloning away the V-shaped background tree about 1/5 of the way from the left, it is a minor distraction. My other nit-pick is the large tree branch in the upper right corner, I don’t like how part of it exits the top of the frame, and then re-appears in the extreme right corner. You may want to consider a crop from the top that eliminates the portion in the extreme right corner.

Ed, I am very happy with your comment. About the processing I learned a lot by following the videos of Sean Bagshaw (also here on NPN.) And using the v6 panel by Tony Kuyper ( also on NPN) that made processing in PS a lot easier for me.
I agree with you about the V shape. Hope to get more critiques from you . Ben