GBH on Cypress


I wanted to create an image showing a wading bird on a cypress tree that are so prevalent in the swampy lakes where I live in West Tennessee. This image was taken late in the day at Reelfoot Lake. Showing a bit of the tree trunk on the right with the large knee extending to the left meant the bird was centered here. It works for me but what do y’all think?

Canon 7D, 70-200mm f2.8L IS II, 2x TC
ISO 500, f7.1, 1/1600s, hand held from boat

Any comments appreciated.

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I think this is a wonderful photo Allen. I like how the egret(?) stands out from the dark water in the background. Also really enjoying the detail and color in the cypress trees. From my own perspective I think the composition works very well with the trees on the right and lower portion of the photo which, for me, help to focus on the bird. Nicely captured.

I think this is another good example of an environment shot. I’d say the tree elements are as much of the story as the heron and each complements the other. The composition is quite nice and I like the light on the heron and tree and the dark background. One nit would be to remove the water that is lit on the far left in the dark background. Superb image.

Oh, this definitely works for me, Allen. The tree helps balance the composition nicely. I agree with Allen Brooks about that one tiny spot on the water. It is a superb image.

I also like this quite a bit. You have a bit of a spotlight effect with the BG unlit. If mine, I think I’d make this more of a vertical by cropping in a bit on the right and left. Whatever water spots you dont crop off the left, I’d clone out.

I really like this photo, Allen! The heron and the cypress really compliment each other plus details and color are excellent. I think the square crop was the right thing to do and the bird is position just right for my taste. A very striking image!