Ginkgo Whimsy

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is a composite of two photos of the same patch of ginkgo leaves in a puddle, from last fall. I’ve been fussing with it off and on since then, and I’m tired of fussing, so I’m putting it out for comments. Not trying to tell a story here, just looking to make an aesthetically pleasing image.

Specific Feedback

While I like the faint sense of depth, trying to push it didn’t work for me. Hence the high-key look. Also, the leaves were a bit rough, being in a puddle along a path. Increasing the contrast increased the visibility of the rough bits. So, I’m mainly looking for general feedback on color and balance. Also, do I need to clean it up any more?

Technical Details

The images were blended in exclusion mode, then subjected to dodging/burning, exposure and color adjustments (the latter to tone down saturation imparted from the other adjustments).
Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 5.07.25 PM

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Facinating image! Something to look at - close up - in every inch.
The muted pallet of colours and random patterns are very appealing.
you might clean up the dark spots for a “cleaner” image - but fine as is.
Really fine work and processing!

This image caught my eye immediately. I love the concept and presentation. I suppose this is personal preferences speaking, but I could “tell” it was a composite which kind of let me down a little bit because I love the subtle color palette here. I think the things I love about the image are probably mostly due to the fact that it was composited (the smaller leaves within the leaves for example are really something special). Anyways, I’m not sure how to make it more subtle on the presentation side, perhaps as the person above me noted the darker areas area contributing to this effect? Either way its a great final result and I love it!

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Bonnie, I love it. I also knew it was a composite but that doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t see any need to change anything in it.

Definitely aesthetically pleasing, Bonnie. I really like the relatively high key presentation and the layered look you achieved. This would make a wonderful pattern for things like artsy tiles and similar items.

Thank you, @SandyR-B, @Matt_Payne, @Don_Peters, and @Dennis_Plank.

LOL. I appreciate your honesty.

I’m often told that my photo creations would make good scarves. :thinking:

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I’m thinking darker, more saturation, more contrast. Maybe not much but, to me it is too ghostly as is.

You’re welcome… it’s still an awesome creation!!!

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Bonnie, my wife would like a scarf with your image as the motif. This is beautifully done! The high key treatment was the right decision. Subtlety works so well in this situation. I like that you also toned down the color saturation to go with the high key feel. For some reason the leaf pattern on the right reminds me of bow tie pasta. Now I"m hungry!

Thanks, @Alfredo_Mora. I shall have to figure out the scarf thing one of these days! There is a method to do inkjet printing on fabric using freezer paper of al things. Something new to learn.

Composite or not I think this is great! It’s got a great look and more importantly it’s got the power to instill calm and peace in the viewer… or at least it does to me.

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Bonnie, I’ve blown by this several times without time to stop and enjoy it, but I’m so glad I finally did! Needs to be seen large. I LOVE IT! The interaction between the elements is wonderful as are the subtle colors!

I’m also wondering about a version the tiniest bit darker, but that is in no way a negative for this version. This will make a gorgeous print – definitely gallery material here!

Thanks, @Diane_Miller! I have printed it (a bit darker) and it will be in our local gallery’s member show in July. :slightly_smiling_face: