Golden Boulder

This picture is very special for me because I am always transported back to this place when I look at it. The sounds of the river and the coldness of the water had a meditative effect on me which partly comes back when I look at the pictureMy interest lies in the small nature/landscape scenes that we find all around us.
It would be great to bring nature and our deep connection to it closer to the viewer and to make him want to protect it through his own actions.
Since the majority of humanity does not have the opportunity to find this connection again in their own way, it would be fantastic to recreate this connection through photography.
That’s why I’m so interested in the emotional impact of my paintings.

Specific Feedback Requested

I’m not so much interested in the technical feedback but much more in the emotional impact.
What emotions or ideas does it arouse in the viewer. Does it have a harmonically calming effect and reduces enough?
Does the view remain in the picture or does it wander out somewhere?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Nikon D750
24-120mm f/4
Iso 50 35mm f16 3/5sec

I had to download this and see it on a grey background to better appreciate it. The central rock has quite a presence as it seems to rise out of the darkness. Personally, I don’t feel as much a sense of calmness about it as I feel awe and wonder. I think that’s because of the dark treatment of the image and the way the brighter rock rises out of it. There is also a sense of detachment of the rock from all around it. Anyway, that’s my gut feeling this morning.

For me I get a sense of energy from the moving water but not in a overpowering manner if that makes any sense. My attention keeps coming back to the central rock with all of its textures and subtle color variations.

Hey @Igor_Doncov @DeanRoyer . Thank you for your explanations. I really like the idea of ​​emerging and uplifting/detachment. I also find the transfer of energy very good. Thank you very much and best regards.

I get a great sense of motion but not in an overwhelming way but also not necessarily in a calm way either. The main rock is clearly the center of attention and I find it interesting that it is both above the water and below the water. The bottom half of the rock where the water goes over the top of it is producing some beautiful, soft, water with great texture. I get a sense that the main rock could be sinking and being overcome by water OR it could be rising, and overcoming all obstacles. I guess it’s a glass half empty or half full vision. I love the texture and color variation in the main rock. It’s very rich looking. I can see how this could have a meditative effect on you Martin.