Golden shore

my first post here and i thought this would be a good place to jump in :))) the weekly challenge topic reminded me of this.
i took this intentionally in portrait to enhance the layered look. i used my 100-400 on a tripod just above the beach, iso 400, 1/320, f/16.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

welcome all comments

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

welcome all comments

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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Welcome to NPN Marian. This is a fantastic community of photographers. Your image definitely is a good one for layer challenge. I like how you’ve captured not only the beach with pebbles but also many layers of waves. Good job. I hope we will be seeing many more of your photo here at NPN.

Marian: Welcome to NPN and thanks for a fine first post. Shooting extracts of a scene with my long lenses is one of my favorite pursuits. Nicely seen, composed and captured. Great to have you aboard and looking forward to more. >=))>
PS: Thanks for jumping in and commenting on other’s images. That helps the community grow and stay healthy.

thank you Linda and Bill. i appreciate your welcome, as well as your insightful comments! i probably won’t be the most consistent poster, but i’m sure i will post again.

Marian, welcome to NPN! I really like the layers here, starting with the rocks at the bottom and moving to the multiple waves. This is a fine “out take” from a much larger scene that tells a good story. The glow through the top wave is a nice extra.

i appreciate your comments and your welcome Mark!
the backlit waves mesmerized me that afternoon:))) and i worked on getting images with it :)))

Hi Marian and let me add my welcome also. I’ve only been a member for a couple of years but have gotten so much out of visiting the site. I learn by reading the critiques of my own submissions and also by analyzing other’s work and reading the comments, so I consider it a win-win all around.
That is a very pleasing shot along the shoreline and shows off the incoming layers nicely. I like your inclusion of the beach and pebbles in silhouette; I think foreground is so important in landscape shots. I wasn’t sure if your title was appropriate until I noticed the golden wave coming in from the top. Thanks for sharing!