An old barn on CA 49 just South of the town of Angels Camp. This was taken at sunrise, and it was raining lightly. Unfortunately, this old building was removed several years ago.
Definitely abandoned, Preston and well presented. Interesting how the touch of pink in the sky warms the overall feeling. Having that tree leaning in from the left works well, also.
Preston, a really nice find. Old barns really can be a prized photo subject IMO. This old guy is probably the shelter or hostel for every critter in the area able to walk, fly, or even slither their way in…
Seeing something this dilapidated you kind of wonder about county safety codes even on private or abandoned properties. In this case removed… As A Side Note: I saw a Youtube on an old waterpark in a remote area of San Diego that had several water collection tubs. They were old small gunite pools of sorts that had filled with rain water over time. As two teens walked thru the area they were approached by a small pack of dogs. The dogs led them to a pool where a dog was trapped and could have never gotten out. It was treading water to stay alive. Thankfully the kids fished the poor dog out. Some places can be death traps in the end.
Preston: I have a number of images of scenes that will never again be available and those hold special meaning for me a lot of times. This is an evocative image with the tree and sky. Well seen and wonderfully presented. >=))>