Thanks everyone for your input and @Hans_Overduin for pointing out that it wasn’t quite straight. Here’s a straightened repost and I’ve eliminated the reflection of the head leaving just the subdued body.
Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I went to one of my favorite wildlife refuges Wednesday for the first time since January and found this American Bittern along the same canal I’d found one then. I don’t see these often enough to ever pass one up, so I spent quite a bit of time with it and managed to catch a successful fishing sequence . I could wish it were after larger prey, but not much I can do about that.
Specific Feedback
I didn’t have quite the whole reflection in this image, so I decided to crop up and since the eye stood out in the reflection, I cropped just above it. Did that work?
Technical Details
Sony A1, FE 200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 503 mm, beanbag in car window, f/9, 1/500, iso 3200, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped to 5952x4230. Minor adjustments to emphasize the bird and it’s prey. Taken at 9:35 Wednesday under overcast skies.