Grand Prismatic Spring surround

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any and all.

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any and all.

Any pertinent technical details:

Taken with Canon SX60, F4.5, 1/1000 sec., ISO 100, -0.3

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Shot with a drone? Very Burtynsky-esque - which is meant as high praise. I love the colours, textures and general flow of the image. Very fine. I’m not exactly sure what I’m looking at but one thing that is clear is that it is life. One minor suggestion -in the upper left corner there are a couple of small dark dots and a line that are a bit distracting. But I’m impressed, really well done.

A beautiful artistic creation. Well done.

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No drone. In fact the opposite. I’m so short that I was close to the ground and couldn’t see the beautiful teal pool of water on the far side of this image. This was taken at Yellowstone and the algae/bacteria made this design.

Ha! I wouldn’t have guessed. Very cool.


Terrific natural abstract and somewhat unique from Yellowstone and this area. Really enjoy the pattern and colors that lead the eye through the scene. What I find most interesting is the sense of this scene never ending, heading off to infinity as you get towards the top. (with that you might consider those small details that Kerry mentioned and perhaps clone? There’s also a small fuzzy dot on the top edge, UR. Minor, but considering how the eye is naturally drawn to infinity… a clean top edge would make that effect even better.
