This is another from Sonora Pass last week. I believe Preston named this Split Falls (Preston has been going there so long that he has all the naming rights!). I took the liberty of cloning out a log sticking up from the notch center toward the bottom.
Harley, print this, frame this, hang this. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
I love how there seem to be three main waterfalls here; I like their arrangements, and I like how the texture of the water is contrasted by the rocks. The tonality is perfect, too. Thanks for sharing this. Monday has started right for me.
Excellent one here, Harley. This one looks like it was made for the B&W treatment. The entrance of each cascade has it’s own identity or look in the end…
This is when these falls look best; when the water level is low in late summer. This B&W is excellent. The textures in the granite are nicely realized, as is the detail in the falling water. You did a nice job cloning out that log. No nits here, Mr. H.
Composition is great Harley and the B&W was perfect for this. There is one patch of granite near the ULC that seems a bit hot to me that I might want to burn down a bit, but other than that I would not change a thing.
I love a good B&W and this fits the bill very nicely. I am liking the textures and details in the sculpted rocks along with the great range of tones in this beautiful scene. Your chosen SS also works well in your rendering of the falls. My only suggestion would be just a bit more room at the top, but certainly not a deal breaker. This would make a lovely print.
Absolutely beautiful, Harley. The processing is 100% spot on from my perspective.
I think before you print and hang it, it is worth thinking about how to make that top edge work. I can see wanting more space or cropping it to remove the black bar in the middle. I think doing some selective cloning to cover the dark rectangle might be the best approach if you are comfortable with it and that dark rectangle bothers you.
This is awesome Harley! What makes this even more special to me is how you chose to frame this and what you chose. For those not familiar, these falls are mostly a vertical setup and so kudos to you for this comp (honestly, I had to think about this one… Can’t be Split Falls! but sure enough it is.
So first thing, kudos for coming up with a fresh look on this spot.
B&W - clear and good choice of course. Only minor suggestion I have would be to burn down (or otherwise reduce the brightness) on the top surface of the large, vertical granite pieces on either side of center; one on the left a little above center and the rock on the right around midline; certainly not blown, but maybe could just use a little “Harley texture.” Minor nit.
Wonderful rendition of these falls and granite formations.
This is a really fine composition, Harley. Both the rock shapes and the cascading water are interesting, each separate and both together. A couple of small suggestions. (1) add just a bit more space on the right. That large rock needs more room. (2) as Lon mentioned, bring down some highlights from the surface of the rocks.
Wow, just seeing this one, HG… both nice but the composition on this one is really strong. Processing looks good (I’m digging the contrasty look) although I find the highlights in the rocks a little on the hot side. Give those a tweak and this is a winner!