Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Ok, more water, but now rock instead of trees… :wink: Harley and I scampered at the base of some granite cliffs - where water was just streaming everywhere.

Sure seems now that I’ve been going through these, that b&w was calling to me. Here’s another case. B&W very fitting for the graphic nature here, yet the color I think has some redeeming value as well.

I did capture a number of frames, also with faster shutter speeds. For at least the ones that I did capture, the faster ones just didn’t look right. But I know the water here lacks some texture in spots. I’m hoping the surrounding granite helps carry.

As always, appreciate any/all comments, suggestions and critiques.


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What technical feedback would you like if any?

Processing? especially the color version. Cyan/blue toned down quite a bit - enough?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Does the waterfall splitting the granite wall work?

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

Nikon D800E, 28-300mm @50mm, f/14 .4s iso 200. Both are from same single frame.


For me the granite carries it, but only in the color version. Dunno what processing to suggest, but subtly pumping the colors in that version might be even stronger. I think part of the reason the color version carries me is the top crop to eliminate the dark spot at the top of the swirl of granite in the ULC.

Lon, This is wonderful intimate scene where the sense of scale is tough to determine. I prefer the color version because of the wonderful subtle colors in the rock. For me they make the difference and I might even add a touch more but it is really nice as presented.

Both versions look real nice to me. They convey such different moods that comparing them doesn’t work for me. I might try pulling a little more blue/cyan out of just the water and see how it looks. I am not sure it would be an improvement, but interesting to try. Good take from that spot.

For me Lon, I prefer the color version when placed side by side. The B&W is also very good, but the green and brown on the granite brings those areas to life. I think it also de-emphasizes the lack of detail in the few areas of the falls you mentioned.

Thank you @Hank_Pennington, @Alan_Kreyger, @Harley_Goldman and @Eva_McDermott for your comments.

Well, it looks like I continue to understate my colors and saturation! I too like both.

@Harley - Yeah, I pulled a lot of blue/cyan out of this… and so it goes when one looks at a particular image for too long, you stop seeing what may remain.

@Eva - great point about the distraction of color from the lack of details in the falls - I think that’s an excellent observation; with b&w, it’s more about tones/contrast, form and shapes - which accentuates the form of the water and longer exposure. Good stuff! Thanks!


Wonderful textures here, Lon, especially in the colour version, where the subtlety of the colouring is beautiful and the water brighter; the overall colour cast seems fine to me. Did you try portrait format or would that have reduced the rock areas to insignificance - certainly the smooth/hard contrast is very effective in these landscape versions ?

While I particularly like the subtle shades of colors in the color version I am going to go against everyone else and say that I prefer the B&W version, Lon. I just love the tones and textures along with the luminosity of the rock face; particularly that on the left side. It just has this wonderful glow and gives it a life of it’s own. IMO you can not go wrong with either one; just depends on a person’s tastes.

Both of these are pretty awesome, Lon… Not sure I can pick between the two. I wonder if the b&w might have more impact with some contrast adjustments and maybe even dropping the overall exposure in that area.

It’s crazy how the soft water shaped the ridged granite here… Beautiful!

Late to the party, Lon, and all have been said above. But this is very pretty and I just have to drop by and say I really enjoy the scene. I am usually a sucker for B&W but I think the color version is a lot richer than the B&W.