Grape Veraison

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Richard: This is nirvana for a color junkie like me. I might consider cropping a little off the top to decrease the prominence of the orange leaves but this works very well for me as is. A wonderful bunch superbly composed, captured and presented. Great to have you aboard here and looking forward to more. :+1: :+1:>=))>

Point well taken. I’ll be posting more each day as I shot grapes almost exclusively for 3 years 10 years ago.
Richard Small

Richard: About the only thing I know about grapes is that I like to eat them and drink them. Are these different ripening stages and if so when and how are they harvested? They’re certainly tasty image subjects. >=))>

Richard, how delectable; I can taste these grapes right off the screen. I hope you eat as many as you photograph. Wine not, eh? I agree about cropping some from the top, but have only scrumptious responses to the image. Excellent.

Thank you for your comment ,Larry. I’ll watch how I crop in the future. All these grapes I have and will post are for making wine.
Richard Small

Version is the last step before harvest. The grapes start out as very tiny green buds and progress in size and shades of green to yellow to purple. I enjoy the Version stage the most for photography of grapes. Version usually occurs during July to early august. It all depends on the weather and temperature as version is the increasing amount of sugar being produced by the vine. Temperature is the real control factor for how fast or slow the grapes change color and sugar content prior to harvest.Harvesting usually is late August or September,again temperature is the key factor.
Richard Small

like bill, the color junkie in me is loving this! i can see a tiny top crop, but only because i want to see ALL of those luscious grapes :))) i am a bit overwhelmed and distracted by all the detail surrounding the grapes, and wonder if you also shot this with a wider aperture to focus on the grapes and blur the bg a bit?

Thank you for your comment. I don’t think I used a wider aperture ,but I will check for you.
Richard Small

I like this image as presented. It is beautiful. I like that it was taken in the fall when colors abound, especially in vineyards. Have you taken photos of whole vineyards or large sections of them in fall?

Thank you Jim. Yes I have a lot of shots of vineyards and patterns especially in the fall.
Richard Small

Beautiful, Richard. Perfect composition and depth of field. The grapes are wonderful.