Gray Catbird

Given how secretive this species tends to be, I was very happy to run across this one out in the open at the National Bison Range last month. I could hear one in the bushes where I was staying, but never even caught a glimpse of one there.

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Technical Details

Sony A1 FE 200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 840 mm, beanbag from car window, f/9, 1/640, iso 3200, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped to 2704x3472 from a horizontal original. Taken at 8:14 AM on June 6th under cloudy skies.

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Nice capture Dennis! This is a good habitat shot with nice detail and lighting. That gray on gray coloring would make it easy for it to hide. No nits from me.

What @Steve_Kennedy said. Awesome image, Dennis.

Dennis, this is a really nice shot of him in the foliage. Very nice details in the Catbird.

Good catch, Dennis. Those grays show up nicely against that yellow/green foliage. Did you boost the saturation of the yellows, or is that natural? I usually get a couple of Catbirds in the spring, and I have had zero success getting a decent photo of one. They are very elusive. They will come to a feeder for grape jelly and oranges, but they spook at the slightest sound or movement. Well done.

@terryb Hi Terry. I didn’t boost saturation on the background at all. The altitude is probably around 3500-4000 feet, so it was still pretty spring like there and the vegetation showed it. Interesting that they’ll go for grape jelly or oranges. Unfortunately we don’t have them at all out here, so I can’t experiment.

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Excellent composition with superb framing of the main subject. I like the detail and the environment is quite special.

Hi Dennis, great subject and I love the setting you showed off so well. Nice contrast between the bird and background. These birds are summer residents in my area but I have NO shots of one. So jealous of this one. Nice frame!

Great job finding it and photographing .
I certainly like the framing of the bird. Just wonder how this might turn out reducing the exposure of the background