Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and re-post

Not perfect, but I felt lucky to get this. These guys seem to be constantly moving, so getting them still for a shot in the open takes luck and patience. I did like the setting it was in.

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Canon 7DII; Sigma 150-600 at 600 mm. 1/000 at f7.1; ISO 500.

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Excellent detail, Allen, and I like the way the bird is lit. The bright leaves on the right are a bit of n eye magnet. You might look at something like a 7x6 crop, taking it all off the right. I think that would get rid of the brightest stuff and still convey the setting nicely.


What a cute little bird, Allen, and a nice shot of him. We could sure use and Gnatcatcher here in NC in the summer time! I agree with Dennis, maybe crop in a bit from the right and lose those bright leaves. he looks like he is very small (and probably is if he lives off of tiny gnats), but I am not familiar with this species. You nailed him nicely.

Very nice shot. I wonder if doing a vertical crop on it (if you have the meat to be able to do it) and cutting out the bright RH leaves would look nice? This guy reminds me of the nervous, ever flitting, hard to shoot Bushtits we have around here. Good snag.

Thanks, @Dennis_Plank, @Shirley_Freeman, and @Dave_Douglass, for your comments and suggestions. I re-posted with a cropped version. I did want to keep some sense of the brightness as it was a gorgeous day and it’s to have that reminder in my photos.

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A very nice job on the repost, Allen.

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