Black-capped Chickadee and re-post

I think they were feeding rather than collecting material for a nest as they weren’t carrying the material off, but flying from one cattail to the next.

Specific Feedback Requested: Any

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Canon 7DII: Sigma 150-600 at 600 mm; 1/1000@f7.1; ISO 250
Cropped and minor adjustments in LR.


Really nice look at this chickadee, Allen, and a nice perch and bg. I’m guessing she might be nest building, but don’t know for sure how early they nest in your neck of the woods. Here in NE Oklahoma, I’m expecting them to start at any time.

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@Allen_Brooks - Terrific image. The action captured is very nice. Nice details. All the techs looks great to me. If you have any more room at the bottom, I think it would look better to avoid having the bird as centered top to bottom.

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Thanks for the input, @Keith_Bauer . I did have a tad more room at the bottom and I took a tad off the top so the top 1/3 line goes through the eye. Also, the additional material on the bottom right gives a slight sense of balance/symmetry with the Chickadee.

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Beautiful image, Allen. The chickadee is perfect and the cattail is completely in focus. I do like the composition of the repost a bit better. Very well done.

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A very nice image with beautiful background. I prefer the rework.

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Very nice one! The repost the winner of the two. Could be that the bird is feeding on the larve in the cattail, plucking the fluffy stuff while at it - at least that’s how birds here feed on cattails… Either way, great image! Hans

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Beautiful capture, lovely detail and well processed with lovely detail in the whites and blacks! Gorgeous BG!

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Impressive image with exciting details and environmental effects. I was going to post a chickadee I had just worked on but after looking at yours, I changed my mind. One of your better images.

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