Almost as big as the adults now, this youngster was playing in my back yard just like a puppy might play. Running at full speed, stopping suddenly and looking around like “what am I doing here?”, and in this shot, staring down a house cat that was lying about 10 feet from him. When I first saw him, he had dived into that ivy behind him, and nothing but his tail was showing.
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Technical Details
Canon 60D, Canon 70-300mm IS USM Zoom, f/5.6, 1/250 sec., ISO 1000. Processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure and cropping. Topaz De-noise.
Hi Terry. I love the curious expression on his face. What a great opportunity to have young foxes around to photograph! I don’t do a lot of wildlife photography, but what little I have done has taught me just how difficult it is to catch a moment. If this were my image, I might do a few things to tease out the most fox I could. A tighter crop I think would help remove some busyness around him. The rest of the items depend on your appetite for digital manipulation. I think his face is competing quite a bit with the leaves and grass behind it. I did some cloning and blending to try and mute that part of the background. Beyond that I played with some dodging and burning, curves, saturation etc., but the key part of it was a clean selection of just the fox. Once you have that you can really play to your heart’s content. It tends to be a fine line though. It’s easy to make it look like a fox sticker stuck on a background Just my take on it.