green Brilliant

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This was taken under the canopy with a fill flash set very low

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

iso-6400 500 mm F8 1200th will flash low

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Very nice! I like the pose, BG and perch. The focus plane hit the wing feathers, which have wonderful detail, but leaving the head a bit soft. Not a huge problem for me as I love feather detail! The BG is lovely and the overall IQ looks great. There is some noise in the BG at the large size but it looks natural and isn’t objectionable to me. My only suggestion would be to darken the moss at the right edge a little.

Very nice, David. That background really justifies the green coloration of so many of the birds down there. I like the pose a lot as it really shows off the feather structure. That little bit of blue in the tail is something I didn’t notice in this species-I’ll have to look in my images for it.

Thanks for the comment. Yes the head is a tiny bit soft but the feather detail makes up for it on the wings. At least in my opinion.

I had a discussion with Dennis today regarding the increasing of my Parkinson’s. You are one of the few people who know about this. I’m basically at a point where I can’t sit without exceedingly bad pain on my buttocks and hamstrings. No cure. Makes it hard to sit still for even five minutes. I had injections yesterday at the University of Washington but so far they have yet to take affect. This is the second time I’ve done this and the first time it worked, pretty well.

I want so badly to be able to go out and take pictures and then be able to sit down and process them. I first started taking photographs as a senior in high school. Now some 60 years plus have passed. Your knowledge How to do things in Photoshop just amazes me. And I really appreciate your views on my backgrounds.

You are so lucky to be able to have access to the species that you photograph. The woodpeckers are a real find.

David, my heart goes out to you for the undeserved suffering. (I have some idea of the problems – a much-loved aunt suffered for years.) I’ve been so lucky so far and my time will run out eventually, as for all of us in different ways.

I don’t know how it is with standing, but there are desks that allow the monitor/keyboard and I assume room for a mouse pad, to be elevated to standing height. I have had upper back problems and have fantasized about something like a massage table where I could lie on my stomach and view the monitor looking straight down, and reach a keyboard and mouse pad reaching straight down. Fortunately I’ve only had to fantasize, so far.

And everything I know about photography or processing, I stole from somebody else!

Hang in there! Your photography has always been top-notch and I missed your wonderful images when you were absent here recently. I hope you’ll find a way to keep it up. And very best wishes!!

Wow! I love the colors the detail and the shine in the feathers David. Sorry to hear you’re having so much pain and frustration with your health. I’m hoping they find a way to help you. We’ve enjoyed your work so much, especially here with the Avian group. I hope your will finds a way to keep up the great work.

Hi David, so sorry about the health issues you are dealing with.
The feather detail on the back is amazing! Wonderful colors too.
Hope you can somehow continue with your photography.

Hi David
I would leave the moss, The Hummingbird’s can’t take its eyes of what ever going on in the moss.
Very Nice.

Hi David, hope the U of W treatment kicks in soonest. Agree with Diane, the feather detail is great. Nicely composed and nice background.

Feather detail is amazing and yes, the head is slightly softer than the body and you might be able to selectively sharpen those areas. Colors are vibrant and makes the hummingbird pop out of the BG. I’m sorry to hear about your Parkinson’s situation. Hang in there and let that medicine go to work. Hopefully, you will be able to get out and get some quality images in the near future. Take care and again, hope the medication alleviates those symptoms…Jim