Green Frog

Just wandering around my local woods looking for things to photograph when I found the Green frog sitting calmly in a small pond. It was overcast and calm. I wasn’t planning on frog photos but I’m an opportunist and will photograph what catches my eye. I start with a higher view point and then remember to take advantage of my flip out screen and held the camera just above the water level.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Taken with a 70-400 at 400mm on a full frame camera. f5.6, 1/250, Iso3200. Processed with LR and then in PS along with Topaz Denoise AI. Some doge and burn as well.


Beautiful subject with great reflection, really like the setting and the BG, the oof background works so well here !

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I love this! Good for you for getting such a terrific reflection. And that is one good looking frog. I find that green frogs are particularly tolerant of people. I think a 2:3 or slimmer crop might do the picture some good by emphasizing the long line of the branch its sitting on.

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Beautiful job on this one, Bryan. The subject is perfectly sharp and exposed with a great reflection and I love the composition with the bit of algae and it’s reflection so perfectly placed. There’s also a kind of out of focus lump above and to the right that adds just a bit of structure to the background and is located just perfectly. Very well done.

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Bryan, this is a great look at this Green frog (and the “bump on the log” in front of it). The reflection look good also.

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