Taken in April at my neighborhood lake. Not a classic pose but I’ve grown to kind of like it especially the plumes coming up on its back.
Canon 90D, Sigma 150-600 C
ISO 640, f6.3, 1/2000s, hand held
Any comments appreciated.
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This is an excellent in-flight capture, Allen! Great color,and clarity! I agree that the “bad hair day” plumes makes it particularly interesting
Love the detail in the large version. Very well done!
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I like the pose; the wing position nicely frames the face and body. Detail looks good as do the colors. The blur in the water conveys a sense of motion (were you panning?). The green water contrasts well with the heron’s colors. Well captured.
@Gary_Minish, @Allen_Brooks
Thank you for the comments.
Allen, yes I was panning on this as the bird flew across the cove fairly parallel to me.
A real dandy shot. I like all the ruffled feathers. It adds to the motion. Also nice to see bill nicely back stopped by the rear wing. Well done.