Green Heron

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The green herons have been harder to photograph this year at my neighborhood lake as none are nesting at the boat dock. This one was hanging out nearby and posed on this stump.

Specific Feedback

Any. I intend this as an environmental image as well as reflection.
Crop in tighter on top and bottom?

Technical Details

Canon R7, 400mm f4 DO IS II, 1.4x extender III
ISO 2500, f5.6, 1/320s, hand held

Processed in DXO Pure Raw 3 then Photoshop.

Here is a tighter crop and I did some work on the reflected head (had a boxy look to it).

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I like the repost a lot, Allen, though the first one was a nice image. I might play with a bit of extra blur on the background, but sometimes I just get carried away with the processing. I did just notice a bright out of focus feature (almost a triangle) under the heron’s tail and now that I’ve seen it, it won’t be unseen.

Hi Allen,

I really like the tighter crop but the original version is very good as well.

The perch is well suited for this scene, and in a way it’s a big part of what makes the scene so appealing! The reflection is really nice, too.
Very good details and color, and the pose is perfect in my opinion.
The green moss on the stump does a good job of showing off those long, yellow toes :slight_smile:

Well done! :slight_smile:

Your heron and the comp are quite nice, Allen. No nits here, but two suggestions. I would get rid of the two branch reflections in the LRC. Also, i think the bird might benefit from painting on more contrast. Looking at it full size it almost looks like there’s a blue halo above its head. I am not sure about this, but a bit more contrast might make it stand out and pop more. Lovely shot.

Allen, this is a lovely shot. I love his perch. I too was thinking maybe some more contrast, saturation, something to make those colors of him pop a little, making him no doubt the main attraction. They are beautiful, especially when the lighting is just right on them. I could see this framed and hung on a wall!