Green Lynx - POV

A different PoV of the Green Lynx spider .

Apologies for being away for a while now. …

Balan Vinod

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Any feedback is welcome

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Balan, this is an interesting POV. The high-key BG makes him stand out nicely. Looks like he made eye contact with you.

Nice to see you back. Great close up and those colors. Wow. Looks like a tiny one and you got it so crisp. Away or not, you’ve still got the chops. Did you set up a small studio for this? Nicely done.

Very interesting!! Great detail and compelling in-your-face pose – a bit unsettling from a spider. Glad it’s at a safe distance from me.

Thanks for your kind words Shirley

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Kristen…thanks for your kind words. This was done on the field, on a cloudy day. I would not dare getting too close to those spiny legs.

Diane …the safest distance is the length of the lens. Thanks for the kind words.

Great patterning on this one, Balan - and I like how you have it off-centre.

Balan, the details here are excellent and they really stand out against the white background. Nice use of a cloudy sky.