Green Mountain Green

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


False Hellabore are in great shape on Green Mountain in the North Cascades in Washington State.

Technical Details

ISO 4000. f/7.1. 1/80 sec. Focus Stacked

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Love the varying shades of green, and the lines and textures here.
Evergreen State, indeed…
Nice find!

Really like the angle you took and how line arrange together. The green is perfect. Have you tried a crop to keep only leaves and lines? I find the side a bit distractive.

Arnaud: Yes, thank you; I like the idea of cropping just to the leaves…I’ll try that on the next one.

Del Y

This is great. I try to shoot this plant a lot and always end up from above and never really love the image. Great idea to shoot it from this angle! To my eye, zooming in to better see the fantastic texture might make this even more compelling. I’m thinking you might even lose the bottom 25% . Love the image just as it is too.

Thanks Paul. Am going out in a couple days to come in tighter. The season is winding down so need to get the there soon…

Delton W Young PhD ABPP
7724 35th Ave NE
P.O. Box 51188
Seattle WA. 98115

425 336 0212

1 Like

This is definitely my favorite plant to photograph. Its graceful lines and curves are lovely in your shot. Also nice contrast to differentiate the separate leaves. Since the subject is just that, lines and curves, zeroing in on that might serve your comp better. If you wanted the whole plant, then perhaps allowing the front right and back left leaf tips to be included? I know that would include more of the distracting background, but maybe that could be dealt with in post more aggresively.
The fun part of photographing this plant…ENDLESS opportunities!

Paul, Thanks. I’m going up tomorrow to try again, to come in tighter

Del Y

Arnaud: Thanks Good idea, and will try that out in the mountains tomorro.


Connie Thanks. I am going to try to get in tighter…in the mountains tomorrow!


Delton: This is a pretty severe crop but I do think you want to try to fill the frame with these marvelous curves and lines. Great subject nicely captured. >=))>

Bill: Nice job with the crop. After I saw this, I went back up into to the mountains-10 miles hike-=to try again. Ah: too late. Next year. So I go an image of the hellabore leaves in decline. attached


Del Y

Thanks, Connie: I’ve been stalking these false hellabores for a couple years in the mountains here. I went back up yesterday to try again, but…too late! The’d gone to seed. So, next year.

Del Y