Gurru (the kangaroo)

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is the first time since 2011 there has been water in the lake. I waited until their wasn’t anybody on the water and waded out into the shallows saw this wonderful reflection contrasted with the colours of under the water along the shoreline.

Specific Feedback

I would like to know if the photo appears unbalanced.

Technical Details

Canon 5dsr 17mm tilt shift lens shift down. f11 iso 200 ss 1320

I really like the shapes and colors in the water and sky. Really beautiful composition. the lines and colors on the bottoms and then the fluffiness and softness of the clouds is wonderful. I do think the upper third takes away from the picture and it might be better to crop it out. I think the picture will be stronger with it. like this

Really great composition.

Thanks Tamar. for taking the time to comment. I agree with your crop but I will let it stew for a while.

Wonderful image. Basically red/white/and blue.

I agree with Tamar’s crop, but also consider this: The way originally shot, there is not direction to the image. It just sort of sits there, BUT…if you flip the image horizontally, everything from left to right has direction and pulls the eye through the frame. On the pan crop , the eye may jump to the right side of the frame because there’s so much going on there, almost skipping past the left half of the frame. When flipped, the entire direction changes and every element at the left edge of the frame pulls the eye from the left edge through the frame.

You must have flipped out when you saw this scene. Great submission!

I’ve attached my interpretation (just flipped horizontal)

Thanks Tony for all your work across the board this week. As a young boy I swam and fished in Gurra (lake Hindmarsh) Gurra is the indigenous name for the lake. I was flipped to see water return to the lake after many years being dry. I now live 4hours drive away and when there’s a big rain event I have headed to the lake only to be disappointed apart from this visit. I agree with your suggestion to flip the image.

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It just takes one great visit to make it all worth while. Killer image, David.
I appreciate your kind comment, David. It’s always a pleasure sharing photography.