Hanging Around & repost

I was watching this squirrel eating the buds on this tree, crawling around on the branches. They’re amazing what balance they have and how they ca stretch out to the very tip of branches. At this moment though he fell upside down! It happened so fast! But he caught himself and went right on going!

Specific Feedback Requested

Anything . I wish I had it on a faster ss to catch this action shot better, but I wasn’t prepared for this to happen and neither was my squirrel friend!

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400
ISO 800
Cropped and adjusted exposure and shadows

Vanessa, they are so acrobatic, I really enjoy watching them. I like how you captured him upside down. I can’t seem to view it in large view, but it appears you stopped the action okay. I love his toes sticking out on his back feet. I wish the limb was across his face, but he is in a tree and moving around, so not an easy thing to keep limbs out of the way. I am wondering if you played with highlights and shadows a little, and get his gray fur a little brighter, and tone down the background, if that would help.

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Hi @Shirley_Freeman ! I see what you mean about needing to brighten it up a bit and tone down the BG. I did some adjustments and also left it uncropped so it’s the original size, so maybe you’ll be able to see it big, not sure why it wouldn’t open up for you. Yeah, I loved the back feet too! So cute! Let me know if you think this looks any better…

It definitely looks better to me, Vanessa. I was able to enlarge this too. He is just too cute, and the eye being squinted looking, it makes me think that he is really enjoying himself. Nice details in the squirrel.

Interesting pose and I too find the repost better!