
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Reflection Photography …The Trees, the Water the Sky

Specific Feedback

Very subjective photography. I edited this photo to be really harsh and bitter!!! Not all photography can be perfect and pretty. I went another direction and made this photo simple and yet busy. I kept the water reflection on the left. Our World can be seen in so many ways. !!!
Does anyone use Silver Efex ::: Im thinking of getting the software to give me options in my black and white photography Thanks for any info

Technical Details

shutter 400 ISO 500 f11 Edited in Photoshop Using Contrast and Curves filters. Some dodging and vignette slightly. Black and White with faders.

Gill, this one has a lot of mood and depth to it. I find my eye wants to explore around the frame. While the intersection of highlights and shadows seem abrupt, I think it adds to the emotion of the image. A compelling image for sure.

Yes I also use Silver Efex for my own black and white images. Highly recommend it.

I rather like what you did here, and it gets better the bigger it is, I can picture this as a huge print. The only thing I am wondering about is if it would be worth including just a hint of texture in the bit jutting out of the stump? My eye gets drawn there and the blackness is bit disconcerting, but that might be what you intended.

Thanks. The photo has lots of shadows and bright light. Lots of water and mud and old fallen trees. Make black black and white white. Not much of gray in the idea. Nature can be seen so many ways. The beauty , the ugly and the new and the old.

Thanks for tip on Silver Efex. I’ll look into it.