Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Out in the Park shooting reflection photography and decided to take a few shots of the tree in reflection. Being a partly cloudy day , I got some different tones in the sky. I even kept a little of the blue not as a color but as a tone kinda like gray. Its just the way i see things… I do like shooting reflection style photography. Always different …
Specific Feedback
Maybe shoot slower shutter speed to get more of the moving water effect. I was shooting more for the Tone. Thats an important topic to me these days. The Tone of the image. It can be as important as composition… I did’t get as much white as I wanted but the black and grays are pretty much there in the image. And a slight blue, I like using slight color when needed. I see it as adding tone to the image. But not heavy color. Kinda subjective I guess. I look forward to hearing opinions on this topic. Just my vision of the world in which we live.
Technical Details
ISO 400 Shutter 500 f14 edit in Photoshop