
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Hello to all - newbie here - first post! I could hear this red-shouldered hawk calling out and I spotted it, but unfortunately its right eye was hidden by a leaf that created a very hot specular reflection. Nonetheless, I’ve always enjoyed the piercing stare and the color contrast in this image.

Specific Feedback

The branch at the top of the frame caused a linear reflection at the top edge of the pupil that was reminiscent of a reflection from a fluorescent bulb. I cloned that out and am reasonably happy with the results, but interested in feedback on the appearance of the eye and/or any other comments.

Technical Details

Olympus OM1 Mk II, 300mm f4, handheld, 1/640, f4.0, ISO 200. Heavy crop. In addition to cloning out the reflection in the pupil, processing included curves adjustments to brighten the subject and dim the background and also adding some contrast to the subject.

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Hi Ron and welcome! This is a great shot of a beautiful bird, it really fills the frame. Your leaf problem actually created a unique perspective, seeing only about half of what we’d normally see, and I’m glad the beak was able to remain. Nice detail in the feathers and the eye looks fine to me, clear and sharp. The bright leaf on the right is a bit distracting and could use some toning down. Nice catch!

Jim, thank you the feedback and suggestion. I toned the leaves down quite a bit, believe it or not, but I’ll have another go at it and see if I can improve the image without creating artifacts. Much appreciated!

Welcome, Ron! That’s a very original shot, drawing sharp attention to the eye. I like how you’ve framed the bird with leaves and branch and the processing of the eye and feathers looks good to me. I wondered if you could include the complete beak, but I think the other eye might then appear a bit, so it’s totally fine as is. Looking forward to seeing more great posts from you!