Honey Bees on Mint

2 Honey Bees on Mint flower


Specific Feedback Requested:

iso 400, 100-400 at 400 (not the sharpest Sony lens), f7.1, 1000th, 20% of full frame

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Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)

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A fun image, David. I can almost hear the buzzing as they go about their gathering. I like that they are both positioned similarly, but not exactly. The flowers are crisp and inviting and there is good detail in the bees, too. Great background, too. Nice.

David, this is a delightful image, capturing two Honey Bees on the same side of the flower. Nice details in the bees and flower, with a really nice smooth BG, making all stand out nicely. I like how the flower bends to the left, giving room for the top bee to move if needed, and the bottom part of the flower is more to the right, giving the bottom bee room to move if it needs to, with the direction it is facing. The bees are both balanced nicely in the frame and on the flower.

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A lovely composition, David. I like the flower cluster and the honeybees have excellent detail.