Horned Grebe in the rain

Another shot from Iceland. These birds are really intense with respect to color, especially when it’s raining or cloudy. I did remove the raindrops as they were somewhat distracting.

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Is this a composite: No
ISO 2500, 400 mm +1.4 X, F5 .6, 2000th, 50% of full frame, Sony A1

Beautiful colors; the grebe really pops. I’ve seen a few wintering horned grebes along the coast and they couldn’t be much more drab. Amazing how their plumage can change like this.

One of my favourite grebes, and a truly excellent shot. Tack sharp, great detail and a good composition. As with many birds, their plumage renders best when in diffuse light conditions. Cool ! Hans

Really well captured. Great detail, color and light. No nits on this one.

Very nice Horned Grebe image with wonderfully crisp colors and focus, right down to the water droplets .

Awesome catch, David. Beautiful bird.

David…the larger version is the real treat …outstanding work.

Balan Vinod

This is one gorgeous dude, with great detail and color! Very well set off by the neutral water and he gave you a wonderful pose!