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Hello, NPN! My name is Bret Edge, and I am a professional nature and adventure photographer living in beautiful Moab, Utah with my wife, Melissa, our son Jackson and Huck the Adventure Pug. I first joined NPN way back in the early days, maybe 2001 or 2002. I attribute much of my growth as a photographer to the supportive and talented NPN members who offered advice, honest but constructive image critiques, and true friendship throughout the years.
During my career I’ve lead private and group photography workshops, opened my own gallery in Moab, written many articles, seen my work extensively published in various forms of media, and used in marketing and advertising materials to promote tourism. I’ve shot commercial work for many brands within the outdoor industry and currently author eFotoGuide, a popular series of landscape photography guides. I also burned out, closed the gallery, stopped leading workshops and sold all my gear…only to pick up photography a couple years later as a way of coping with PTSD and depression earned over a 16 year career in law enforcement. Cautiously dipping my toe in at first, I slowly began photographing more and more but only when I felt inspired to do so. Today, I still only shoot when and what I want to, and utilize a metered approach to managing my business.
I’ve been an avid mountain biker since the early 90’s, and I enjoy hiking and backpacking, overlanding and road-tripping with my family. A few of my favorite places include the Oregon Coast (all of it), Mount Rainier, the Sonoran Desert, and the Rockies from Colorado to Wyoming. I don’t eat fish but love sushi (weird, right?), drink way too much unsweet iced tea and know for a fact that dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate.
I’m thrilled to have this opportunity and encourage you to ask me anything related to nature and adventure photography, using art, creativity and the outdoors to cope with mental health issues, the ups and downs of the business of photography, what it’s like to own a gallery, lead workshops, publish ebooks or…whatever else you can come up with. I’m an open book, and am very much looking forward to having y’all AMA!
Website: https://www.efotoguide.com
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