What technical feedback would you like if any? This is a significant crop and resizing to a larger size in Lightroom seemed to produce a nonpixelated image.
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques: D500 200-400mm f4 + 1.4 TC (550mm 1/500 sec at f5.6, Iso 140). Crop for comp, Levels, Shadows & Highlights, Topaz adjust. This is a tight crop of a first year great gray owl photographed last September at Yellowstone National Park. I was lying on the ground with the owl at 45 feet away. Considering the crowds at this park, it was just me and a big fuzzy owl. Just the way it is supposed to be…Jim
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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Jim, this is quite a tight view of the owl’s face, with excellent details around the eyes and beak. How neat to get close in broad daylight in a busy park. I do think that a bit of burning-in of the lower half of the eye on the right and maybe just a touch of the feathers below could look good. The reflected sunstar is a fun extra.
I enjoy facial shots and this is no exception. Good detail. As the eyes are the main topic, this fits quite well and the tight crop is perfect. I might cit the highlights a bit on the brighter eye.