
Shot of the Cayey mountain range in the central eastern part of the island

Specific Feedback Requested

I would like to have your opinion in general of the photo

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Is this a composite: No

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Before asking our opinion of your photo, I would like to know why you took this shot and what you wanted to convey to us. What in particular do you want our eye to be drawn to and perhaps linger on. Then, are there secondary places in the image that you want our eyes to move towards. Answering those questions first would then allow you and us to explore if the image (as it is right now) is accomplishing what you want. An analogy: a picture of multiple targets of a wall and an arrow stuck in the wall near or on one of the targets. Was it a good shot? Well, what were you aiming for?

You might have been really drawn to the rocks in the foreground; or the light streaming down through the clouds in the distance; or the shape and color of the clouds. Given the placement of the rock in the frame, I can only guess it was important; but I may be way off base. Or you may have been driving for hours with nothing much to see and finally you come to a spot where you can pull over, get out, and stretch your legs – and why not take a picture.

I hope this wasn’t too critical, but I would really encourage you to engage in the conversation.

Best wishes,
Rick Alway

I like it. It’s kind of an El Greco composition. Isn’t it. The moody clouds and overall dark ambience with light dramatically filtering in.

I have in the past also thought along the lines of Rick. Usually it’s when I can’t figure what author is trying to say. I don’t have that difficulty here.

I like this a lot. Nice detail throughout the image. Good job on the clouds and sun beams by keeping the drama without over doing it. Very nice.