I took this shot in my flower garden a few weeks ago (before my back went out and I haven’t been able to shoot for about 3 weeks). I liked how the flower on a slant, and the bee was coming at me. I do appreciate all comments and critiques.
Canon 5D Mark IV, Canon 180 mm macro lens, f9, 1/640, ISO (640) auto, everything else manual. Edited and cropped in LR, used Topaz AI Clear.
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Shirley, sorry to hear about your back, that’s a big ouch! The overall sense of “yellowness” works very well here and the details in the bee’s face are terrific. I agree that the slanted flower adds a sense of motion that’s nice.
Beautiful Shirley. I also like the slanted flower, adds a bit of excitement and looks like some sort of carnival ride. The detail in the bees eye is terrific, I’d be running instead of shooting if he was coming straight at me. Very nicely done.
I hope that your back feels better soon. This is an interesting photograph of a syrphid fly getting some nectar. The aristate antennae are a dead give away for your subject being a fly. The implied triangle of yellow works well in this comp. Well done…Jim
Shirley, it is an excellent head-on image of the fly. The antenna is a giveaway, as Jim said it. Lovely colors and just adequate dof. also very sharp. The diagonal arrangement of the flower frames the head of the fly very well. oof background is a plus.
Hope your back feels better. Macro work finds one in all odd positions. wish you a quick recovery.
Hope your are doing better these days Shirley. This is a wonderful composition how one is focused directly on the head of the bee here. The angle of how it was taken was well done.
Thank you all, for your comments on this image, as well as your well wishes on my back. It is well again, but I am being extra careful still. I haven’t tried to do much shooting images, especially macro right now. I can get myself into some really crazy positions, mind on the shot, and out my back can go.
Dean, I was getting concerned about you, as I hadn’t seen any post from you lately, so I was glad to see you posting again. Looking forward to seeing your images too.
Lovely photo Shirley. I like the nice head on look, the colors are great and the diagonal adds a nice touch. The oof fg is handled very well. Also a very good instruction on one of the differences between flies and bees.
Shirley: Nothing to add here but I’m doing a test on how the images are ordered. David is working on it but I’m trying to give him correct information. Are you having any issues with the post order?