Intimate Badlands #2

What technical feedback would you like if any? All and Any

What artistic feedback would you like if any? All and Any

How would you experiment with editing here? I’ve done very little as it didn’t feel as though it needed much, but I wonder if I’m being creative enough. Most of the photo’s I see from the badlands tend to have lots more colour and contrast but I liked the gentle tones (these were before and during sunrise)

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

214mm intimate view of the Zabriski Baldands. Very little editing applied. I’m exploring intimates and I usually like to apply a slight vignette to my photo’s but it was somehow feeling like it distracted rather than added here.

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This comes down to personal taste, but most of these Death Valley badland images you see are processed more agressively than this for contrast and color. They may not be exactly how it looks to our eyes, but many folks do this for creative effect, while trying to still keep it believable looking.

I would darken the darker tones here, add some significant mid-tone contrast, and boost color vibrance. My own creative choices for an image like this would lead me to something like this. This more aggressive approach may or may not be to your taste, but it’s your image and only you can decide how much is too much. But with that said, don’t be afraid to experiment with more aggressive adjustments, it can be a good learning process.

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Vikki, I’m one of those that prefers an underworked image and this is a perfect subject for it. I find the dark brown area on the left to be out of touch with the rest of the composition. The right side of the image is consistent with what you’re after here. I would get rid of that dark gash in the upper left of this modified version.

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I really like the smaller one, thanks @Igor_Doncov

I will say first that I like your composition with the sweeping lines and textures. Once again I think that I would go with Ed’s recommendation as it enhances those elements of the scene in a way that still feels very natural (although I haven’t seen this location in person so I don’t have a frame of reference for how it “really” looks. :grinning: ).


" I wonder if I’m being creative enough"
Well put, the balance of needing to say something vs. letting the subject speak for itself.
I prefer Igor’s crop with some of Ed’s richness.
For me vertical images always garner more initial attention because they are so contrary to human vision, like photography itself. Thanks for posting.


Lovely textures and patterns Vikki. I like the high key look with the subtle pastel colors in the original edit.

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