Specific Feedback Requested
Wondering about the composition and if this works.
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
50 mm, f/22, @ 1/60 ISO 100
Wondering about the composition and if this works.
Is this a composite: No
50 mm, f/22, @ 1/60 ISO 100
The composition definitely works for me, Mario.
A straight composition that keeps my attention. I especially appreciate the interplay of the strong structure given by the trunks with the delicate pattern of the flowers.
I just think about a bit more space at the bottom, but this is a minor matter for me.
Anyway, I enjoy the image a lot, it tells me a story about spring and makes me feel like standing in the middle of the scene.
I like where you were going with this, but I wish you had some more room at the bottom and left sides as they are to tight for my tastes. You may be able to add some canvas to those sides if you are so inclined. The colors looks great and I love the soft subtle light in the scene as it shows as all the wonderful details you captured.
Maybe a little more space bottom and left and maybe a step to your left as well. I’d have tried for more separation between the two right side trees. Not so that they’re evenly spaced, but so that there isn’t such a big difference in the spacing. It’s a strong little scene though. The subdued colors do it justice because I think to have them be too vivid would compete for attention with the vertical trunks and the white bark. The even scattering of the flowers helps reinforce the power of the trees. If you have other variations I’d like to see them or if you go back and reshoot, post those as well. Nice slice of nature!
Thank you all for your comments @Kris_Smith @Igor_Doncov @Ed_Lowe @Peter_Richter .I had another version farther to the left. There was no cropping on the original thus no room for more space on the original. I do not know how to add canvas in LR or PS. I do like this version a bit better.
Love the rework on this. It doesn’t seem so out of balance but I do miss the shadow in between the trunks giving the scene a little bit of depth. Nicely reworked.
The second image is good, but I like the spread of the trees in the first even with my comments about the separation. You know what might be interesting? A horizontal flip of #2.
The original is my preference.