It's just too hard to get up these days

These shots were taken at Rocky Neck State Park, Ct. on April 18, at 8:12 AM.
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Technical Details

Canon R5, Canon 100-500mm, 1.4ext, f10, 1/1600, 700mm, -1.3EV, ISO 250, The shots are cropping around 50% and I adjusted shadows and exposure in DXO Photo Lab 5.
I played with removing the grass in the lower right of the frame, I just con’t make it look natural.


Nice set of preening shots, Peter. Well done with the processing too.

Pretty, and a nice sequence. Whites look good and the grass in the LR doesn’t bother me as it provides an anchor and fills a space that could look too empty. Might be interesting to include even more on the bottom.

A nice preening sequence, Peter. The grass tops don’t bother me as they follow the line of the rest. Excellent work on the white plumage.