Just marking time

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I like how the dead trees appear, marching off in the distance and connecting to the sky. As with most photos, the composition could be continuously improved. As this is my first attempt at B&W, I’m open to all comments.

Creative direction

As I mentioned above, this was my first attempt at a B&W photo, but the area just caught my eye as it seemed to lean toward a simple image. I tried to use the water as a leading line following the trees to the horizon, but I also liked how the sky seemed angry. Aside from that, I have nothing.LOL

Specific Feedback

I would appreciate feedback on the aesthetic and any technical feedback on how this image could be improved.

Technical Details

I use an OM Systems OM-1 mkII with a 8-25mm f/4 lens. ISO was 200, 16mm focal length, F/8 aperture at 1/320s.


A few weeks back, on my way to Montana, I stopped with a friend in West Yellowstone, Montana. He went snowmobiling, and I took a snow coach tour of Yellowstone for the day to see Yellowstone in the winter. I just. wish, it was more winter. LOL

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Robert, I’m very familiar with this location and think that b&w works well. In this case, the sky is special and your treatment shows off the clouds very well. I think it’s a processing challenge, but I’d like to see more tonal separation between the standing trees and the distant ridges.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the feedback and I agree. I think I can mask the trees and adjust the highlight, contrast, shadows. But you’re right, post processing to get the tonal differences will be a challenge.

Let me work on it and I’d like to send you the revised version for your thoughts if that’s possible.



I know the feeling @robert8! My first time to Yellowstone was this past January and I want to go back! Good for you to recognize that this scene would be a candidate for BW conversion! I am just learning myself about BW processing and there is certainly a lot to learn! I don’t have anything more to add that @Mark_Seaver did not already. Some adjustments to your BW process and this is a winner for me.

HI Keith,

Thanks for the response. I assume you took a snow coach or snowmobile tour of Yellowstone. Hopefully you had more of winter than I did. LOL. I was there at the end of February but I’ve been there several times before. If you haven’t done it yet, head to Grand Tetons National Park. Well worth the effort.

A couple of things to see/do. One, take the first boat from Colter Bay Marine to Elk Island for their morning cowboy breakfast on the Island. Two, go to the main tourist center on Jenny lake and take the ferry across the lake for hiking or a short hike to hidden falls and Three, from West Yellowstone head to Island Park, then take scenic byway 47 to Upper/Lower Mesa falls. But, get there between 0930 and noon to see the rainbow that forms in the mist of the upper falls. It’s amazing, if you want to see it go to my website www.rcdedicphotography.com.

Lastly, next time you go to Yellowstone, if it’s during tourist season, I’d enter the park late afternoon to early evening to have less crowds to fight.



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Bob, I went to Yellowstone with Exploring Exposure we spent 7 days in the park, (4 nights in the Winter Yurt Camp and a couple of nights out of West Yellowstone on the way in/out). I was an amazing experience, I learned a lot and came away with some of the best landscape images to date. All travel was by snow coach. Not sure I ever want to go during the summer tourist season. Thank you for the tips on GTNP, it is on my list for sure! Beautifiul images on your website, keep up the strong work! Looking forward to seeing more of your work on NPN!