The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Mid morning at Fountain Paint Pots, Yellowstone National Park. I was drawn to this scene by the dead trees almost gasping for light as they bend towards the sun. The wildlife turned this location into a major intersection in their travels for food in the winter.
Specific Feedback
I’m working on my BW conversions and would like feedback from the seasoned BW folks. Also any feedback on the composition would be great. My eye would like to see maybe a bit more headroom above the sun.
Technical Details
The lack of color and the contrast with the backlighting led me to try this one in BW.
Wonderful swirling mists and ghostly sun! The B/W conversion looks excellent, as does the composition and the scene generally. I’m surprised looking at the camera data that at ISO 100 and f/16 you got that high a SS. Sounds like bringing down the exposure worked some magic here. The dynamic range is wonderful with all that detail in the mist. The leaning trees are well positioned relative to the sun. I had no idea there would be so many animal tracks.
A bit more canvas above could be good, and might be manufactured these days,
This is precisely the type of image for a b&w conversion. Your composition is perfect, and the stark scene is both brooding and beautiful at the same time. If I were to convert this, I’d work on some more localized contrast. The sun is as bright as I’d want it, but I would brighten up highlights in the snow, lightly darken some of the darkest clouds, probably brighten some of the midtone clouds and possibly subtly dodge the animal tracks to make them “pop” more from the surrounding snow. Very cool image, @Keith_Flood.
I like it! I think you have done a really good job in the bnw conversion. Perfect image for that, too. I also like the composition. More room above the sun would diminish the trees. Maybe if the sun was lower, but it is hard to move it … And the animal tracks make you wonder who has been passing by.
Sadly, my first thought was how sad it was that people had been walking in this scene; a reminder that one should be careful when assuming. I’m glad you noted these are animal tracks because that adds instead of subtracts.
I agree with the others that this is a wonderful BW subject. Your composition works very well.
Since a lot of rules come off with black and white, I very much agree. I especially like the distant textures lurking in the background.
I like to slightly tone snow images, but that’s a personal preference and YMMV.
Here’s a version just playing a bit with those thoughts.
We have a critique template we seldom use because some of the options never apply. But in this case Conceptual really does apply. I love this image more for what it implies than what it shows. This is an excellent image in my opinion. We would all like to make images such as this but I know how difficult it is. Very expressive.
Wonderfully moody. For me, even a little creepy, especially those two branches on the right that feel like tendrils. The lighting is exquisite - full of hidden mystery, especially the way the tracks lead into the mist - oblivion, world’s end(?) - both enticing and unknown. I find this image very cinematic, almost a set piece for a post-apocalyptic saga or maybe the opposite - the beginning of the world. This image is perfect for B&W and you’ve handled the conversion masterfully. Really fine work.
Thank you all for the valuable feedback! @Bret_Edge I posted a rework with some of your comments incorporated. I am learning to become friends with my Wacom tablet and the pen is perfect for this. I am looking forward to @David_Kingham BW Processing tutorials comming out in the future!
@Diane_Miller : I tried adding some headspace to the top of the image but did not care for it. (I have tendencies towards symmetrical, organized, and too constrained to the rule of thirds sometimes and this image has helped me get out of that mindset. )
@annika : Thank you, I am looking forward to exploring more with BW! Good point about adding the more room and you are correct, it did not work for me with this image.
@John_Williams : Yes! We spent 7 days in the park with @David_Kingham & @Jennifer_Renwick last month and at first I thought the same about what a shame to have the pristine snow disturbed and a lot of my images do not work because of that but I was thrilled with this image, the tracks are part of the story and add to the image…A nice surprise! I do like your version very much, I am still honing my BW techniques.
@Igor_Doncov : I always appreciate your thoughtful feedback, thank you!!!
@Kerry_Gordon : Many thanks Kerry! Yes, all sorts of dark cinematic thoughts come to mind with this scene, I can definitely imagine a post apocalyptic world! I just don’t want to know what lies behind the mist!!!
BAM! There it is! I loooove the re-work, @Keith_Flood. That’s exactly what I had in mind. The light on the animal tracks is even more impactful than I’d envisioned. I’ve been toying w/ the idea of a Wacom tablet for a while. I should probably just pull the ol’ trigger. Glad you took the time to give this one another go.
Oh my, this is outstanding! This image/scene is just oozing with mood and atmosphere. I’m glad you mentioned the animal tracks - although even without that knowledge, I was ok with what could have been interpreted as snow-showing or cross country skiing tracks.
I much prefer the reworked version as the dappled light on the snow is more pronounced. The starkness of the snags of course create the great contrast in the scene and composing with both sides leaning in is a real strong point.
The fog/mist and obscuring the sun is quite literally icing on the cake. Can’t say I’d have anything else to suggest.
I’ve been on the road all day and just now able to reply with hearty congratulations for the EP! Very well deserved for this special image. I hope to see a lot more of your work here,
Thank you @Gill_Vanderlip! That one was a surprise, you get to a location and get a first impression of a composition and then spend some time wandering the location and then…something special comes to mind…
Dear Keith, I certainly like this too. In addition to what has already been said I would like to add that the convergence of the branches of the dead trees work well. Congratulations with the EP.
Many thanks @Leo_Catana , initially the gentle curve of the branches/trees is what caught my attention and some luck with timing of the morning sun work out for this one. Thank you again!