Juvenile Sora

I have never got a good look at these rails, let alone a photograph. So I was stoked to see a group of them feeding not too far from the road, close to a thicket of reeds. Turned out they were juveniles, which may explain why I was able to get so close to them. They were very active feeding and kept running back to the reeds every often.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

The late afternoon side lighting was a little hard to handle. I am interested to know if this appears too bright/harsh.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Pertinent technical details or techniques:

840mm/tripod, 1/320s@F10. ISO800. Full frame. Brightened the area around the eye a little.

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I can image that you were pretty stoked to find them where they hung around long enough for you to get some good shots of them. It is always fun when a subject you haven’t been able to get a good shot of poses nicely for you. Nicely lighting, low POV, and details.

Excellent color, light, and point of view. I might increase the contrast and blue luminosity a bit on the water. I think you could move the crop up just above the out of focus rock in the lower right corner.

I like the stalking pose and low POV. Really interesting plumage in the bird. My only nit is that the critical focus seems to be on the middle of the bird rather than the head.

You managed to get all the shadow on the back side of the bird, so I think you handled the light very well, Govind. You might try bringing down the overall brightness of the image just a touch to see how you like it.