Sora (With an added rework)

These little guys rarely emerge from the shore grasses and getting a full frontal is even harder,

Specific Feedback Requested

While I generally do not like butt hots of birds, I feel like this one is successful because i did get good eye and head focus. Do you agree?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
D500, 200-500 @ 500 (750 equivalent). 1/250, f/5.6, ISO 400

I think you did a good job with the pose, sharpness, and head turn. Plumage has excellent detail. That said there are multiple distractions in the image including the ringed red and faded orange reflections in the water. I would not have any idea how to successfully remove some of the distractions. I think the image is generally too saturated. I apologize in advance for being so critical.

I knew that would be a response and you’re right in getting rid of those distractions was just not in the cards. As to saturation, I never touched a color slider but wonder if the lights mask did that. I will go back and have a look. Thanks for your comments.

I think any clean shot of a Sora is a good one, rear view accepted and the up turned tail is a big characteristic of this species. Nice clean focus throughout, some hot spots on the brown crown and neck . I like that you got a good sliver of the red eye. Content Aware feature in Photoshop might help with lower left and top right corners.

I was hesitant to use the content aware fill because of the large areas but I think I did a pretty fair job of making it fade into the BG. I also did a bit of a burn on its head area to tone down the hot spots and detuned the blue.

Nice work with the Content Aware, a little bit of a smudge but much improved… maybe a tad too much color removed on the on brown spots .

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The repost is much better!

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A nice colorful look at the Sora. I like what you did with the repost.

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