Kestrel; the Sign of the Times

I am relatively sure this is the same Kestrel that Dan Kearl saw and I am going to guess that it was in the same place. I decided to post the whole picture even though the perch is not as desirable as I would like. Late afternoon sun. This is a really beautiful bird!

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Any pertinent technical details:

Iso-500, 100-400+1 x 4 extender at 560 mm, F8, 480th, handheld, full frame, Fuji X T-3, Adobe camera raw 11, Topaz AI Clear, Topaz Adjust, TK sharpening action at 10%

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

You had the right sign for the right direction to get a nice BG…
Must be the same, strange acting for Kestrel, maybe young or maybe has just got tame?
I wish it would fly in when I am there and of course flies off the wrong direction…

Nice job on the processing, David. I like the tones you ended up with. An interesting crop. I ended up with about the same pose, but a completely different crop-go figure. I’m guessing it is the same bird. I’ve seen it posted on Flickr as well. Some birds are just more tolerant of humans than others.

We need to talk to the Ridgefield Management about letting us put up some better perches.