Killdeer 1

In my neighborhood, the arrival of the Killdeer is one of the first signs of spring. They scour my gravel driveway looking for a nesting site and each year they seem to lay eggs, fortunately on the edge of the driveway. Despite that, we typically place orange traffic cones around the nest to prevent people from destroying the nest. I think I have only seen live chicks on one or two occasions despite the fact that this is a yearly event. Both taken within the last two days. They are hard to approach until they actually sit on the eggs.

Specific Feedback Requested

I needed a little more reach with my telephoto so I decided to buy a Sony 200-600 telephoto costing under $2000 as opposed to the 600 F 4 which is close to $14,000. Does anybody see any red flags with respect to sharpness or other issues. Unfortunately, the light is rather harsh in both of these images presenting some exposure difficulties. The east west orientation of the birds creates shaded areas on the plumage.

Technical Details

ISO 1600, 200 to 600 at 211 mm, F6 .3, 2000th, about 50% full frame.
Second image is ISO 500, 200 to 600 at F7 .1, 2000th, 75% of full frame

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Both images are excellent, David. I think you’ll like the 200-600. It’s a fine lens and I’ve never had any sharpness issues. I don’t see any here either. As a bonus, it does work nicely with the 1.4 Teleconverter.

Nice detailed look at the killdeer with good DOF. I bet you’ll end of loving that lens especially when you think of the money and the weight you’ve saved.

Both are gorgeously detailed! My experience with Canon is that both the older (DSLR) 100-400 II and the new mirrorless 100-500 are for all practical purposes as sharp as the older (DSLR) 600 f/4 II. If there is any microscopic difference, a very slight sharpening in LR makes up for the difference, but I’ve never felt the need to do it.

Hi David
Both shots are technically good, with nice detail and coloring. But the low angle grass shot looks better.

Sharpness looks quite good to me. Nice captures too.