The Kirtland’s warbler is the hallmark of Michigan birds rarely seen in migration. The birds overwinter in the Bahamas and nest in dense Jack pine thickets. With intense habitat management of the Jack pine desert in North Central Michigan, the population of these birds has grown and now have breeding populations in Ontario, Wisconsin, and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. This male was creeping up trees like a black and white warbler looking for midges along Ohio’s Lake Erie shoreline.
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D850 200-400mm f4 at 400mm (1/2000 sec. at f8, ISO1600) Topaz DeNoise, Levels, Crop for Comp.
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What a rare beauty you have here! They’re so particular about where they nest that I’m amazed they’re still here. I was in one of the areas they breed in WI yesterday, but didn’t see any. The branches do a wonderful job framing the bird and you’ve got some excellent sharpness throughout. The slightly open beak is a nice touch. You could consider bringing down the luminosity of the branches and background to further frame that rare beauty. Nice work!
Wonderful, with great detail and a subtle palette. The mix of wild grape with the rugged pine bark is a beautiful setting and perfect framing of the bird. The leaf just opening repeats the color of the bird and is in the perfect position, with two other tiny ones to be discovered as the eye wanders around. The distant BG is perfect, in both color and softness.
Hi Jim
The framing on this photograph is beyond amazing. The tree buds, bowed branches and soft brown coloring of the tree and background, give the Warbler punch. The head tilt, eye contact, feather coloring and detail are great.
Hi Jim, as mentioned above, the framing of the bird with the branches really sets this image apart. Great show of a natural habitat. Nice details also.
Excellent environmental look at the warbler. I understand they’re a rare sighting. Such beautiful image might be useful for some of the conservation groups. Magee Marsh?